
red blight Learn more about red blight

  • Control of Rice Diseases and insect pests: what is Rice Red Blight?

    Control of Rice Diseases and insect pests: what is Rice Red Blight?

    What is rice red blight? What harm does red blight do to rice? How to control rice red blight? Please introduce the harm of rice red blight: Rice red blight, commonly known as bowing seedlings and setting trees, is a physiological disease in rice production, with obvious dwarfism, small tillers, erect upper leaves and stems.

  • Control of Red Leaf Stem Blight of planting Cotton

    Control of Red Leaf Stem Blight of planting Cotton

    Cotton red leaf stem blight is a physiological disease, and it is one of the main diseases in the middle and later stage of cotton. Over the years, the occurrence of red leaf stem blight in sandy loam and barren cotton fields in our county is relatively serious. In dry years, especially in the weather of prolonged drought, rain or continuous rain, red leaf stem blight broke out and cotton plants withered and died.

    2020-11-08 Grow cotton bonus leaf stem blight disease control cotton bonus
  • Beware of the outbreak of cotton red leaf stem blight after heavy rain

    Beware of the outbreak of cotton red leaf stem blight after heavy rain

    Recently, the cotton area is generally heavy rain, for cotton after a long drought, it is easy to break out red leaf stem blight. Red leaf stem blight is a physiological disease. It starts from the growing point of the main stem or the top of the fruit branch, and generally develops from top to bottom and from outside to inside. The main stem withers to death but the anatomical vessels are achromatic. The root system is thick and short, and the fibrous root is less poorly developed. Cotton red leaf stem blight outbreak is caused by extensive cultivation of cotton fields, poor development of cotton roots, poor drainage of cotton fields, partial application of nitrogen fertilizer, vigorous growth of cotton,

  • What medicine does rice red blight (iron rust) hit? What are the symptoms? How to prevent and cure it?

    What medicine does rice red blight (iron rust) hit? What are the symptoms? How to prevent and cure it?

    Rice red blight, also known as rust, commonly known as boiled seedlings, sitting in rainy weather, if the field water and fertilizer is not properly managed, it is very likely to lead to the occurrence of red blight. What kind of medicine is used for rice red blight? What are the symptoms? How to prevent and cure it? Rice red blight

    2020-11-09 Rice red blight disease iron rust dozen what medicine which
  • Comprehensive Prevention Measures of Cotton Red Leaf Stem Blight

    Comprehensive Prevention Measures of Cotton Red Leaf Stem Blight

    Cotton red leaf stem blight is a physiological disease. In recent years, it occurs frequently in cotton area of Yangtze River valley in our country. It begins to occur at early flowering stage, and it is serious and common from full flowering stage to boll setting stage. It occurs sporadically in July and August in our country. The disease peaked from middle and late September to October. The lightly damaged plants had few yellow and thin bolls, short fibers and poor boll opening. The seriously affected plants died ahead of time and the bolls could not mature, which had a great impact on yield. I. Symptoms. At the beginning of the disease, red and purple spots appeared on the leaves, gradually expanding to red on the whole leaves.

  • Symptoms of rice brown blight

    Symptoms of rice brown blight

    Rice brown blight, also known as rust disease, is a common physiological disease in rice cultivation. The occurrence of this disease is easy to cause rice yield reduction. What are the symptoms of rice blight? How to prevent it? 1. Symptoms of rice blight 1.

    2020-11-08 rice red blight disease symptom manifestation disease again
  • Three inducing factors of Red Leaf Stem Blight in Cotton

    Three inducing factors of Red Leaf Stem Blight in Cotton

    Cotton red leaf stem blight is a physiological disease caused by potassium deficiency, which occurs in the middle and later stages of cotton growth, especially in dry years. The disease of cotton in the field generally begins to show in the bud stage, and the disease is the most serious in the boll opening stage. The symptoms were mainly on the leaves, and the diseased leaves developed from the top to the bottom and from the outside to the inside. The diseased leaves began to lose green from the edge, first yellow, then red spots, and finally the whole leaf turned red, the mesophyll thickened, wrinkled and brittle, and the veins remained green. When the disease is serious, the leaves of the whole plant turn red and brown after losing green, and the leaves scorch and fall off into smooth rods.

  • Occurrence and Control of Red Leaf Stem Blight in Cotton

    Occurrence and Control of Red Leaf Stem Blight in Cotton

    Disease symptoms and occurrence regularity: cotton red leaf stem blight is a kind of fulminant disease that often occurs in the middle and later stage of cotton. It can make the leaves turn red from the bottom up until they fall off. The veins remain green, the mesophyll turns red, and the leaves become thicker, brittle, wilted and finally fall off. Cutting the stem without changing color can be distinguished from cotton wilt and Verticillium wilt. Generally in the old cotton area, the cotton fields with continuous planting, sandy land, shallow plough layer or lack of potassium fertilizer are more serious. In the middle and later stage of drought, the serious lack of potassium and zinc in the soil can easily lead to the acceleration of the disease.

  • How to control metasequoia red blight?

    How to control metasequoia red blight?

    Prevention and control methods of red blight of Metasequoia glyptostroboides: first, plant quarantine should be strictly carried out, diseased seedlings should be prohibited from being introduced into new areas, and diseased seedlings should be cleared and burned immediately. Second, the water for planting seedlings should be too dense. It is required to be ventilated and transparent, reduce the humidity in the air, increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and apply less nitrogen fertilizer to promote the healthy growth of seedlings and improve the ability of disease resistance. 3. During April to May and September to October, Bordeaux solution or 50% carbendazim wettable powder or 50% carbendazim wettable powder can be sprayed in a ratio of 1: 1 to 200 times or 50% to 1000 times.

  • Cotton gets red leaf stem blight when hanging peaches.

    Cotton gets red leaf stem blight when hanging peaches.

    The control measures of cotton red leaf stem blight are as follows: 1. Reasonable topdressing, skillful application of cotton top fertilizer, combined application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium or foliar topdressing. 2. Strengthen field management, ploughing frequently, improve root respiration conditions, promote root development, prune and branch in time, pick old leaves and control diseases and insect pests. 3. Spray protection with 70% mancozeb or 75% chlorothalonil or 70% methyl topiramate plus foliar fertilizer (potassium dihydrogen phosphate, green source, etc.), 5-

  • What is the symptom of metasequoia red blight?

    What is the symptom of metasequoia red blight?

    The symptom of red blight of Metasequoia glyptostroboides is that the disease usually starts from the lower branches and leaves of Metasequoia glyptostroboides, gradually develops and spreads upward, and finally leads to the death of the whole plant. The susceptible branches and leaves produce brown spots at the beginning, then expand into dark brown, and then the branchlets and withered branches turn brown and die. The disease can also spread to green branchlets, forming sunken brown ulcer spots that surround the main stem and cause the upper part to die; or do not surround the main stem, but cannot heal for a long time, with the growth of the main stem, the ulcer sinks deeply into the trunk, forming trench rot, and the young tree base cadres produce irregular grooves and become deformed. Under moist conditions, disease spots

  • Control techniques of flower aphids, red spiders, shell insects, blight, rust and powdery mildew

    Control techniques of flower aphids, red spiders, shell insects, blight, rust and powdery mildew

    The temperature in spring is warm and cold, and the air humidity is high. At present, the occurrence of crop diseases and insect pests is moderately heavy, and there are many diseases and insect pests of flowers. Generally, there are several kinds of serious damage in 45 months: 1. When the temperature reaches 20 ℃, new sowing

    2020-11-09 Flowers aphids red spiders insects blight disease rust
  • Control techniques of flower aphids, red spiders, shell insects, blight, rust and powdery mildew

    Control techniques of flower aphids, red spiders, shell insects, blight, rust and powdery mildew

    The temperature in spring is warm and cold, and the air humidity is high. At present, the occurrence of crop diseases and insect pests is moderately heavy, and there are many diseases and insect pests in flowers. Generally, there are several kinds of serious damage in 45 months: blight, when the temperature reaches 20 ℃.

  • Specific drug for brown blight of grape ear axis

    Specific drug for brown blight of grape ear axis

    Spray Baume 3-5 degree stone sulfur mixture, or 45% crystal stone sulfur mixture 30 times, 0.3% pentachlorophenol sodium 1-2 times before bud germination; spray 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600-800 times before flowering, or 70% mancozeb wettable powder 400-600 times, or 40% carbendan wettable powder

    2020-11-09 Grape rachis brown blight disease specific medicine bud sprouting pre-spray
  • What symptoms does apple blight rot have? What are the prevention and control methods? What kind of medicine do you use?

    What symptoms does apple blight rot have? What are the prevention and control methods? What kind of medicine do you use?

    Apple blight rot, also known as neck rot and solid rot, is one of the important diseases of apple. High temperature and humidity climate is very easy to cause apple blight rot. What are the symptoms of apple blight? What are the prevention and control methods? What kind of medicine do you use? Apple blight is one of the few apple trees.

    2020-11-09 Apple epidemic rot disease have which symptoms control methods use
  • Cotton Red Leaf Stem Blight and its Control measures

    Cotton Red Leaf Stem Blight and its Control measures

    First, after the disease of the symptom recognition plant, the leaves become dark green and thicker and brittle, then there are red dots scattered on the leaves, and finally the whole leaves turn red, and the leaf veins remain green, that is, red leaf stem blight. When the disease is serious, the petiole base becomes soft, dehydration shrinks, causing the leaf to wither and fall off, and the top of the stem is dry-scorched. At the same time, it is easy to cause repeated infection of ring spot and brown spot, causing the diseased plant to scorch and die. Some plants can still sprout after falling off their diseased leaves. The plants with severe and early disease were short, the root system was underdeveloped, and the main root and lateral root were both.

  • Control of spruce red blight

    Control of spruce red blight

    In recent years, with the increase in the number of spruce planting, spruce red blight occurred seriously, and some closed forest belts were as high as 50%, seriously weakening the tree potential and even causing dead trees. The incidence of the disease is rapid, from the bottom of the tree to the tree, the outer edge of the crown to the inner chamber, the base of compound leaves to the top. As many as 10 days, as little as 1 week, can cause the whole plant leaves to turn yellow, and then fall off. The disease is caused by fungi. When the temperature suddenly changes and the humidity increases, the tree will become sick. The diseased leaves appear small brown spots at the beginning, then expand into dark brown, and the diseased spots are produced when the rain is wet.

  • Red blight of spruce and its control

    Red blight of spruce and its control

    In recent years, with the increase in the number of spruce planting, spruce red blight occurred seriously, and some closed forest belts were as high as 50%, seriously weakening the tree potential and even causing dead trees. The incidence of the disease is rapid, from the bottom of the tree to the tree, the outer edge of the crown to the inner chamber, the base of compound leaves to the top. As many as 10 days, as little as 1 week, can cause the whole plant leaves to turn yellow, and then fall off. The disease is caused by fungi. When the temperature suddenly changes and the humidity increases, the tree will become sick. The diseased leaves appear small brown spots at first, then expand into dark brown, and when it is wet and rainy.

  • What should I do if I get red spots?

    What should I do if I get red spots?

    When the temperature is high, humidity is high and ventilation is poor, the leaves of Amaranthus amblycephala are easy to be infected by leaf blight. At the beginning of the disease, brown spots will appear on the tip and edge of the leaves, and then expand into red spots. When the disease is serious, small black particles will appear on the spots, causing the leaves to turn yellow early. There are several prevention methods: 1. Strengthen conservation

  • Symptoms of chestnut blight

    Symptoms of chestnut blight

    Symptoms of chestnut blight: the pathogen produced discolored spots on the smooth bark, round or irregular; on the rough bark, the edge of the spot was not obvious, and then continued to expand, and the bark cracked longitudinally. In spring, many orange verrucous constellations can be seen on the damaged bark. After autumn, the constellation changes from orange to sauce red.
